Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Future of Sport Communication

We are living in the moment, the future of sport communication is now! The face of sport communication has evolved from having little to no coverage in the early 20th century to having television networks devoted to sports coverage only.  The impetus in the evolution of sports communication over past 15 years has been the internet.  The internet has can be considered "a blessing and curse" for the sports journalist.  I make this claim because the internet provides up to the minute news stories.  If a newspaper reporter writes a story, by the next morning the paper is published, the story is old news.  This is a major challenge for print news journalist and editors.  

All sports entities now have a web presence.  Sports entities use internet communication platforms such as twitter and facebook to create awareness and release news stories about the organization.  Organizations also use the internet to provide live video streaming of sporting events.  If a sports organization does not have a web presence than they are positioning themselves to fail. 

Sports communication has evolved to the point that sports entities have created their own networks to televise their games.  Collegiate athletic conferences have entire networks devoted to televising their respective teams.  For example you have Fox Sports Net which will televises only Pac-12 sports in my region of the country.  You also have professional sports organizations that have their own networks and broadcast all their games.    

In the future sports communication is going to move towards first person accounts such as how we have twitter and CNN iReports.  With CNN iReport you have regular people reporter on an event or giving their opinion on a particular story.  I feel sports will eventually move towards a similar platform.  

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